It's not personal.
It's just Healthcare

It's Not Personal.
It's Just Healthcare.

It's Not Personal, It's Just Healthcare is must-see TV for business leaders searching for answers to the mystery of ever-increasing healthcare costs.

Why We Produced the Documentary

At Benefixa, we firmly believe that everyone deserves fair access to healthcare. Inspired by the daily challenges we see in a profit-driven healthcare system, we produced the documentary "It's Not Personal, It's Just Healthcare." This film exposes how patients are often overlooked and underscores the urgent need for change. We aim to shed light on the current system's shortcomings and demonstrate how innovative employers are successfully reforming their approaches. This documentary serves as our call to action—to rethink, reform, and rejuvenate healthcare for the common good.

About the Producer

Benefixa's CEO, Ray Kober, a visionary leader and member of the advisory board of The Hero Club, brings over two decades of experience and expertise in healthcare and employee benefits. His deep understanding and proficiency serve as the cornerstone of our employee benefits approach, placing the well-being of employees at the forefront of our strategy. With Ray's guidance, Benefixa remains committed to delivering exceptional healthcare solutions that drive positive outcomes for both organizations and their valued employees.

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